1836 results

Power Up With Power Snacks

These power snacks help fuel busy physicians and healthcare providers, all day and night.

6/8/2023 11:32:00 AM

Patients, family members, staff, and interested parties who would like to provide comments are encouraged to do so. Anyone may send comments via e-mail and direct mail.


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Physician Burnout

Helping Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta physicians predict, prevent and combat physician burnout.

Get all of the information you need to help your family navigate your child’s cancer diagnosis.

Cancer, Cancer and Blood Disorders

Personal Wellness Assessments

Children’s has curated a list of assessments for physicians to learn more about their mental, emotional and social wellness.

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Physician Well-Being Mentor Program

Experienced Children’s physicians provide support to new physicians on the team, with an emphasis on staying healthy in mind, body and spirit.