Richard Urbano Garcia Soriano, MD

Pediatric Cardiologist

English, Spanish

Primary Specialty


Other Specialty

Pediatric Cardiology


Board Certification
Am Bd Pediatrics (Sub: Pediatric Cardiology), American Board of Pediatrics
Medical School:
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Nicklaus Children's Hospital
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Childrens Hospital of Michigan


Pubmed Profile



Dr. Garcia was born in Lima, Peru. He received his medical school diploma from the oldest university in South America: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos where in addition, he played soccer. He then headed to Miami, Florida for pediatric residency at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital where he met his future wife, Natalie. He then completed his fellowship in Pediatric Cardiology at Wayne State University/Children’s Hospital of Michigan. Then he completed an additional fellowship in Cardiac Critical Care at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Garcia cares for children with congenital heart disease when they need care in the intensive care unit. He enjoys the complexity and diversity that he gets to encounter in these patients. Although it applies to all pediatric medicine; is especially true in the cardiac ICU that caring for children in the cardiac ICU is not only about caring for the child, but also caring for their family. Dr. Garcia’s passion also lies in research and quality improvement to improve patient care. Dr. Garcia continues to enjoy soccer, although no longer playing due to multiple injuries. He now plays tennis and is an avid runner.

Focus of Practice

  • Congenital heart disease
  • Acute Heart Failure Post-operative management, Quality Improvement
  • Clinical research

Areas of Interest

  • Single ventricle physiology
  • Acute kidney injury
  • Acute Heart Failure
  • Extracorporeal life support


Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta Cardiology, Inc.

2220 North Druid Hills Road NE Atlanta, GA 30329 404-256-2593

Professional Affiliations

  • American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Society of Cardiac Critical Care Medicine
  • American Heart Association
  • Peruvian Medical Council