Strong Is the New Pretty

From our welcome desks to our rehabilitation units, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta staff members have front-row seats to watch the strongest warriors wage battle against the toughest foes on the planet.

Thanks to a famous photographer who also happens to be an Atlanta mom of two girls, our patients’ strength has now been cast into the national spotlight—and onto coffee tables from coast to coast.

"Cancer stole part of my leg but not my joy."

"Even a princess can be a warrior. My cancer didn’t stand a chance." 

"I have juvenile arthritis, and I don’t like when I need to use my wheelchair. But when I do, I’m in control and don’t need anyone to push me."

Sandwiched within the 250 pages of Kate T. Parker’s book, "Strong Is the New Pretty," you’ll find 11 Children’s patients proudly talking about the hurdles they’ve fearlessly conquered, from craniofacial disorders to limb amputations.

See below for a sneak peek of their national debut.

All photos courtesy of Strong is the New Pretty by Kate T. Parker/Workman