In-Kind and Wish List Gifts
How can I help kids at Children’s?
The Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Wish List was created by our staff and includes toys, supplies and other equipment to help make sure our patients and families are more comfortable during a hospital visit or stay. The Wish List, which is a tax-deductible donation, also helps continue our commitment to provide a friendly, cheerful and healing environment for our patients.
View our immediate needs and long-term needs wish lists for more information about how you can make a difference for our patients.
Current Needs
- Art supplies: markers (packs of 10 or less) and colored pencils (packs of 12)
- Adult-size PJ Packs (matching top and bottom in a clear Ziploc bag labeled with size)
- Individually wrapped food items (examples: microwaveable macaroni and cheese, granola bars, fruit snacks)
- You may also refer to our Amazon Wish List curated by hospital staff for needs. Please note we cannot accept donations via mail to the hospital. We ask you ship these to a personal address and schedule a drop off to the hospital at a later date.
To have your donation pre-approved and scheduled, please complete the Interested Donor Form and select which hospital you are interested in benefitting to be connected to the appropriate coordinator.
What Toys and Gifts can I Donate?
Children’s accepts brand new toys for patients and families. We ask that you follow these guidelines when making a donation to help make sure safety and infection prevention measures are in place:
- All toys must be brand new (purchased within 30 days of being donated) and unwrapped. We are unable to accept used items.
- Please no heavy boxes or loose donations, and keep all items in plastic bins, boxes or bags.
- If you are donating multiples of the same item, please keep all like items together.
- All donors will complete a form when they deliver to receive a donation acknowledgment.
Note: For the health and safety of patients and hospital visitors, individuals and groups are not permitted to pass out donations directly to patients and families.
Items we are unable to receive:
- Used items
- Greeting or handmade cards for patients: Send a SmileGram instead!
- Items containing latex
- Glitter of any form: glitter glue, glitter stickers, glitter paper, nail polish, etc.
- Youth transportation: bikes, razor scooters, tricycles, big wheels, etc.
- Oversized items: large stuffed animals, large play sets, large toys, etc.
- Religious items
- "Get Well" items
- Medical equipment and supplies
- DVDs rated above PG-13
- Spark or friction producing toys
- Toys promoting violence
- Toys that can break and leave sharp edges
- Toys with numerous small parts that require close supervision
- Wabbanubs
- Crib soothers
- Rattles
- Teething rings
- Stackable rings
- Shape stackers
- Light-up toys
- Bubbles
- Toy phones and cameras
- Medical play kits
- Barbie dolls
- Baby dolls
- Action figures
- Play packs
- Coloring books
- Duplo blocks
- Age-appropriate board games (Hidden Pictures, I Spy games, Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Operation, matching games)
- Play-Doh
- Crayola crayons (8-24 count packs)
- Lego bricks (200 piece kits)
- Sensory items (pop its, stress balls, fidget spinners)
- Slime and/or slime making kits (no glitter)
- Paint brushes
- Crayola markers (8-12 count packs)
- Age-appropriate board games (Monopoly Junior, Sorry, Connect Four, Guess Who, Trouble, Apples to Apples, Checkers)
- Jewelry making kits
- Card games and regular cards
- Squishmallows
- New release DVDs
- Advanced Lego kits
- iPhone and Android phone chargers
- Advanced art/painting kits
- Advanced coloring books
- Crayola colored pencils (8-24 count packs)
- Fine-tip paint brushes and canvases
- Age-appropriate board games (Jenga, Scattergories, Code Names, Head Bands, Monopoly, Life)
- PlayStation 4 and Xbox One (no mature ratings), games, chargers and controllers
- Nail polish (no glitter)
- Pajama packs (adult sizes)
- $10 maximum gift cards (Target, Amazon, XBox, Nintendo) - please include the amount on the card
- Family care kits (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo, etc.)
- Meal bags
- Laundry kits
- Staff appreciation bags
More Ways to Show Your Support
Contact Us 404-785-4483 (GIVE)