You Be You Family Camp

You Be You Family Camp

You Be You Family Camp is a weekend getaway held at Camp Twin Lakes in Rutledge, GA. Campers with autism and their immediate family members are invited to enjoy camp activities with others who share similar experiences.

During the weekend, families have the opportunity to participate in a variety of camp activities including canoeing and kayaking, fishing, horseback riding, ceramics, biking, arts and crafts, archery, and climbing. To help support caregivers, we offer parent only sessions throughout the weekend. Caregiver sessions may include a guest speaker or a special activity. Family weekend can be a great time to introduce camp to new campers with the support of family members.

The cost of camp is $175 per family, for up to 5 people, with an additional per person fee for any additional person over the age of 5. The cost covers all activities, lodging, and food for the weekend.

Review our eligibility criteria to see if our family weekend may be a good fit for your family.

We reserve space on a first-come basis. Since space is limited, only parents or guardians and siblings of our campers may attend.

Apply Now

Applications for camp will open in early August.

Apply for You Be You Family Camp >


Friday, October 10 - Sunday, October 12, 2025


Camp Twin Lakes – Rutledge West

1391 Keencheefoonee Rd, Rutledge, GA 30663

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Contact Information

Please contact Anna Staley or 404-785-0631 for more information