About Our Program

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta offers a two-year advanced education certificate program in Pediatric Dentistry. The Pediatric Dentistry residency program is primarily hospital-based and provides a broad and in-depth experience in all phases of pediatric dentistry, including behavior guidance, dentoalveolar trauma, general anesthesia, and management of malocclusion. Residents provide treatment to many patients with developmental and medically compromising conditions. Residents will have exposure to access to care and health advocacy issues.

In addition to weekly lectures and seminars that require active resident participation, all residents must complete a data collection driven research or quality improvement project. Residents are expected to present their project at the departmental level, as well as at national meetings.

The Pediatric Dentistry residency program is accredited through the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA). Applications are to be submitted via ADEA PASS application system. The application deadline is October 1 and the program participates in the National Matching Services Dental MATCH system. The residency program starts on July 1 of each year.

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Contact Us

Please contact PEDDentalResidency@choa.org for more information.

Program Leadership