Our team includes more than a dozen pediatric neurologists who provide care to children and teens with neurological disorders. To refer a patient to Children’s Neurology, complete our online referral form. Reference our neurology referral guidelines before referring a patient for consultation.
Note, if you have a young adult patient, please refer then to an adult neurologist. We have compiled a list of adult neurology practices for your convenience.
Our team evaluates children and teens to help identify behavioral issues. Whether your patient needs an assessment of an injury or a scan to see how his brain functions, our pediatric neuropsychologists can help identify conditions and treatment options. To refer a patient to Children’s Neuropsychology, complete our online referral form. Reference our neuropsychology referral guidelines before referring a patient for consultation or testing.
Note, our practice accepts all payers when a child's diagnosis is medical or neurological; however, based on our practice's availability, patients deemed to be outside the typical scope of care (a behavioral issue not related to a medical diagnosis) will be processed as a self-pay patient.
We are home to one of the largest teams of pediatric neurosurgeons in the country. Our team uses advanced equipment to provide surgical treatment for children from birth to age 21. To refer a patient to Children’s Neurosurgery, complete our online referral form.
Ketogenic Diet Clinic
Our specialists may recommend the ketogenic diet for children with seizures that are hard to control with medications or when medications have not worked. For these children, we offer a multidisciplinary clinic than can help them adjust to, and maintain, a healthy lifestyle on a ketogenic diet. To refer a patient to Children’s Ketogenic Diet Clinic, complete our online referral form.
New patients will also be asked to complete our Ketogenic Diet Clinic New Patient Form.

Cerebral Palsy
The Cerebral Palsy Clinical Screening Tool was developed for community physicians who see patients who have been diagnosed with or are showing signs of the disorder. It provides a pathway for our schedulers to get cerebral palsy patients to the appropriate specialist.
Download toolTo order an electroencephalogram (EEG) or electromyography (EMG) for your patient, download and complete our EEG order form. Fax the completed form to:
- Arthur M. Blank Hospital: 404-785-1795
- Scottish Rite Hospital and Children’s at Forsyth: 404-785-2204
You will receive a return fax with the first available date and time.
Pre-certification and authorization
If pre-certification and authorization is required, it is your office’s responsibility to obtain it and fax it to our office two weeks before the appointment. If pre-certification and authorization has not been obtained, the appointment will be canceled.
Patient family instructions
To ensure a precise EEG/EMG recording, make sure to discuss the patient family instructions with a parent or legal guardian:
- Patients age 13 months and older must be at least four hours sleep deprived. The patient should sleep no more than four hours the night before the study, as we need to obtain natural sleep brain wave patterns. We do not sedate patients for the study. The study will last about an hour to an hour and a half.
- Patients must have clean hair: no oils, gels, sprays or lotions.
- Patient must refrain from refined and processed sugars or caffeine for 24 hours before the study. Natural sugars are acceptable.
- Patients must arrive 30 minutes before their appointment to register in the patient registration department on the first floor. If your patient is 15 or more minutes late, the appointment may be canceled.
Teaching sheets

Contact Us 404-785-DOCS (3627)