Children’s helicopter on hospital landing pad

Emergency Transport Services

The Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta critical care transport team has been in operation since the mid-1990s. During this time, our team has evolved into a very active pediatric and neonatal transport service that completes more than 4,000 transports each year.

What emergency transport services are offered at Children’s?

Children’s offers ground support with one specialty Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) team, as well as four Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) trucks that provide neonatal and pediatric specialty care services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Air support is provided by Children’s One, which has the capability to complete scene calls in addition to interfacility transports. All vehicles are owned by Children’s, with the ground vehicles maintained and drivers provided by Puckett EMS. Metro Aviation Inc.* holds the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certificate and supplies pilots and maintenance for the aircraft.

The teams staffing these vehicles include critical care nurses, respiratory care professionals, critical care paramedics and emergency medical technicians (EMTs). Patients, who have ranged in age from less than 24 weeks gestation to 21 years old, are provided safe, critical care transport services throughout Georgia, as well as neighboring states when needed.

The Children’s transport team provides care similar to our Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) by functioning under extensive patient care guidelines and being able to consult online medical control advice from the attending at a receiving pediatric facility. This expertise, combined with specialty equipment, gases and medicines needed for even the smallest of patients, allows the critical care transport team to provide quality critical care.

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*Metro Aviation Inc. conducts all flights and exercises sole operational control over all aircraft.

Looking for additional information on a service at Children’s?

We are happy to schedule an in-service to educate your practice on a specific specialty, service or resource. Contact our physician outreach team and let us know what you are looking for.

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