Noey Bravely Battles Leukemia and Helps Other Kids With Cancer Do the Same

The 7-year-old tackled her fears and is in the final stages of treatment thanks to the support of her Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta care team.

Noelle headshot 

Noelle “Noey” Springer is just 7 years old, but she knows a thing or two about the power of positive thinking. After fainting suddenly at the breakfast table one morning in 2022, her hometown pediatrician in Pickens County sent her to the Scottish Rite Hospital Emergency Room, where she was diagnosed with B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL).

“I was amazed at how fast everyone reacted,” says her mom, Diane. “They got her back immediately and started testing. We got to the ER around 3 p.m., and she was in her room with an official diagnosis of leukemia by 11 p.m.”

Noey spent weeks at the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta receiving multiple tests and treatments. There were some pretty challenging side effects, not to mention the countless pricks and pokes that were especially tough for a girl who’s not a fan of needles. But Noey had a lot of encouragement from her family and the skilled support of her Children’s care team.

“It’s not uncommon for children her age to be nervous,” says Noey’s primary oncologist Lauren Raney, MD. “Our child life specialists, music therapists, nurses and others all worked together to improve her experience and make it as pleasant as possible.”

Also on Team Noey: two very special bears named Bear Bear and Bravery. “Because she’s brave like me,” says Noey.

Noey is now in the “maintenance phase” of treatment at Children’s, receiving a milder chemotherapy monthly to, in her words, “kick cancer’s butt.” She’s definitely gotten her spunk back, and she’s helping other pediatric cancer patients do the same. “She worries and cares so much for others,” says Diane. “She’s brought kids her blanket, her stuffed bear and even sang to them to help them relax. It amazes me she can be there to support them despite battling with [cancer] herself.”

Watch Noey’s story