Season 1: Episode 4
Hope and Will: A Parenting Podcast from Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Just One More Bite: How to Curb Picky Eating and Create Healthy Relationships with Food
Find yourself saying, “Just one more bite?” Have a kid who’s stuck on plain pasta with parmesan? Fresh out of snack ideas? Katherine Shary, a registered and licensed dietitian from our Strong4Life team, joins us for an engaging conversation about how to make mealtimes less stressful for everyone at your table—without becoming a short-order cook. From meals to snacks, Katherine dishes out tips to help “picky eaters” develop a healthy relationship with food.

Katherine Shary, Registered and Licensed Dietitian
As part of our Strong4Life team, Katherine wears many hats: she coordinates training programs, oversees a certification program for dietitians and helps develop children’s books. At home, she’s Mom to a 4-year-old daughter and an infant son.

Lynn Smith
Lynn Smith is a veteran journalist, podcast host and mom of two boys. Her experience as the parent of a patient at Children’s inspired her to advocate for spreading awareness of childhood illnesses and injuries.

Raising Healthy Eaters
We want our kids to be healthy, safe and resilient. And healthy eating habits are a big part of overall child wellness. The good news is kids are born with the ability to build a healthy relationship with food. They just need guidance, support and trust to get them there.
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