62 results

When newborn Caleigh was diagnosed with an atrial septal defect requiring open heart surgery, her parents turned to Children’s Heart Center for nationally-ranked care.

Diagnosed at age 3 with a pediatric brain cancer called anaplastic ependymoma, Caroline continues to undergo treatment and is fighting for a full recovery.

After a brain hemorrhage caused hydrocephalus, newborn Carston was facing a dire prognosis. Thanks to his care team at Children’s, he beat the odds.

After experiencing stomach pain, 13-year-old Chris discovered that he had a chronic illness called Crohn’s disease. Since then, he’s learned to manage the condition.

When Denzel injured his ACL playing high school basketball, he was heartbroken to leave the game he loved. Children’s made sure that he could return strong.

Diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Hudson took her cancer diagnosis and treatment in stride, inspiring her parents to follow her lead.

After an X-ray revealed a growth in his hip, Jackson was diagnosed with pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS). His Children’s care team knew what to do.

A novel surgery called rotationplasty allowed Jude to maintain his mobility despite losing part of his leg due to osteosarcoma.

Kaleb was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at 18 months. Thanks to a complex surgery and intensive therapy, he has built up his strength and is ready to run.

Larenz has spent much of his childhood in and out of the hospital due to the painful side effects of sickle beta thalassemia. Yet he perseveres, inspiring others with his positivity.