62 results

After her sister was diagnosed with a genetic cancer, Sedona was monitored closely by the Cancer Predisposition Program at Children’s to help reduce her risk.

Adopted at 21 months of age, Tanvi had never seen a doctor. After being diagnosed with a rare spinal disorder, her family turned to Children’s for specialized pediatric surgical care.

Diagnosed at 6 months old, Tendoh suffered the painful effects of sickle cell disease until he got a blood and marrow transplant (BMT) at age 17, which changed his life.

Thanks to a blood and marrow transplant from a complete stranger, Alivia was able to fight her acute myeloid leukemia and start planning her next hairstyle.

When her pneumonia led to severe complications, Angelica Hale was given a second chance thanks to lifesaving procedures and a kidney transplant from her mother.

Born with fibular hemimelia, Caleb has lived with a limb length discrepancy his whole life. Thanks to innovative lengthening surgery, that’s no longer true.

For months, 8-year-old Evelyn’s symptoms were a mystery. When she discovered she had Crohn’s, she joined the search for a cure for the chronic disease.

When the usually active Joseph was struck by sudden knee and hip pain, his doctor was baffled. Children’s helped solve the mystery and identify a rare condition.

Despite losing her lower leg to a rare, aggressive cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma, Keren has a positive outlook for her future.

story, patient, scoliosis, orthopedics