Kaleb was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at 18 months. Thanks to a complex surgery and intensive therapy, he has built up his strength and is ready to run.
Children’s physician attends Eight Days of Silence retreat to build emotional and spiritual wellness.
When you suspect a child is being mistreated but cannot leave your community, turn to the Child Protection Telemedicine and Distance Learning Network.
Two Children’s physicians share their perspectives on participating in a triathlon and why it’s important to stay in top physical shape.
After three heart surgeries for a congenital heart condition known as tetralogy of Fallot, Michael is healthy and enjoys playing golf, baseball, tennis and video games.
Physician outreach liaisons at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta foster positive relationships between Children’s, its medical staff and community physicians.
Children's employees play team sports to combat stress.
When 6-year-old Nathan was diagnosed with a rare heart defect, his family turned to Children’s for a heart surgery others deemed impossible.
Joe Williams, MD, a Pediatric Plastic Surgeon at Children’s, shares why he has chosen to follow a plant-based lifestyle and the benefits he’s seen.
Atlanta City Council and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Proclaim May 1st Strong4Life Raising Resilience Day Atlanta City Council and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Proclaim May 1st Strong4Life...