Boy and doctor with ophthalmoscope

The 1998 Society, named for the year Egleston Children’s Health Care System and Scottish Rite Children’s Medical Center merged to form Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, is a giving society made up of fellow Children’s providers who share a common purpose to strengthen our ability to care for Georgia’s kids. Through fundraisers and personal contributions, members of the 1998 Society have raised more than $10 million for Children’s patients and families since the group’s inception in 2001.

Your contribution makes a difference

The money raised through the 1998 Society has funded a variety of programs and services at Children’s. Donors can choose to designate their gift to a particular area or give to the 1998 Society general fund.

Those funds provide grants for unique, doctor-led programs where funding is not found elsewhere. The 1998 Society also honors physician peers at The Big Deal fundraiser.

Join the 1998 Society

If you are a Children’s physician interested in joining the 1998 Society, you can donate in a variety of ways.

 Contact Cindy Wesley if you have questions about the 1998 Society.

The 1998 Society’s goal is to fund innovative projects with a high potential for results that will have clinical application and impact at the end of the grant period.

  • Grant application deadline: October 11, 2024
  • Grant funding cycle: May through May

The application will be live in September 2024. Please contact with questions.

Submit a grant proposal

The Big Deal is an annual fundraiser for the 1998 Society at which the group honors physician leaders nominated by their peers. Awards include:

  • 1998 Society Award
  • Pediatric Pioneer Award
  • Rising Star Award
  • Community Physician Leadership Award

Proceeds from The Big Deal support important programs and equipment identified by medical staff members at Children’s that may assist them in their efforts to make kids better today and healthier tomorrow.


Give Today to Help Georgia’s Kids

Help bring healing nature to Georgia's kids. When you make a special contribution to symbolically adopt a woodland animal, you can leave your mark on the digital forest wall inside the new Arthur M. Blank Hospital for patients and families to enjoy.

Adopt an Animal