Doctor Moms on Finding Balance
Physician moms know balance is key to their well-being.
Not only is balance a key part of physician wellness; it’s important for parenting too. In honor of Mother’s Day, we talked with two of our physicians who are also moms to see how they keep the stresses of work and family in check.
Tabitha Lyon, MD, a Pediatric Hospitalist at Children's Egleston Hospital and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Emory University School of Medicine, has been in practice for 20 years. For 14 of those years, Dr. Lyon has been at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.
“Being a busy working mom means I have to be organized and schedule well to achieve work-life success. My motto is, ‘Be at work when you are at work, and be at home when you are at home,’” she says. “Putting ‘me time’ into my schedule without guilt is another important element. I try to pick the activity that will satisfy my mind and body the best at any given time.”
Her colleague, Phoebe Lenhart, MD, a Pediatric Ophthalmologist at Egleston Hospital and Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at Emory University, agrees that planning makes wellness easier to accomplish. “Trying to achieve work-life success makes me a better mom and a better physician. I work hard to eat well and stay fit. I really enjoy the outdoors and love biking with my family on the weekends, taking a hike in the mountains and getting to the gym when I can.”
Both women find their work provides energizing rewards. Dr. Lenhart says, “Enabling children to see their best, whether by giving them glasses or performing a surgical procedure, is rewarding. Children’s has been a part of my life for the past 15 years, and the relationships I have with patients, families and other caregivers there sustain me.”
Dr. Lyon echoed her colleague’s commitment to Children’s. “We have the opportunity to care for some of the sickest children, without barriers to accessing what we feel they need. Sometimes those needs are high-tech medical interventions, and sometimes they are the support of our caring nurses, our amazing child life specialists or our facility dogs. Whatever our patients and families need, I get to say, ‘Sure, we can help with that.’”
Children’s wishes all mothers on staff a very happy Mother’s Day.

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