Children's Physician Fulfills Lifelong Dream to Run the Boston Marathon

David Nusz, MD, Pediatric Anesthesiologist, shares his journey to running the Boston Marathon and crossing the finish line.

There are life goals and then there are really big life goals—the kind of achievements one dreams about for years. David Nusz, MD, a Pediatric Anesthesiologist at Children’s Scottish Rite. knows what it’s like to dream big and turn those dreams into reality through dedication and hard work. He recently completed the 2022 Boston Marathon, an accomplishment he describes as “probably the only bucket list goal I’ve had.”

The seed for this goal was planted years ago, when Dr. Nusz visited Boston on a high school band field trip. He recalls standing at the finish line and visiting a small race museum, where he was captivated by a photo of Bill Rodgers winning the race in the late 1970’s.

David Nusz, MD, crosses the finish line at the 2022 Boston Marathon.

Ironically enough, Dr. Nusz was cut from his eighth-grade soccer team for not being “fast enough.” Not one to be deterred, he left soccer behind and joined the cross-country team—a decision that set him on a lifelong path of physical wellness. Today, running is Dr. Nusz’s outlet.

“Our careers at Children’s are demanding and stressful,” he said. “I use my long runs to unwind from the day, almost as moving meditation. I love leaving my phone in the car and running away from it for a few hours. There’s nothing more liberating and relaxing than running with my spouse or alone in a quiet forest with only my thoughts.”

As she approached turning 40, Dr. Nusz’s wife set a tough goal to run an Ironman 70.3 triathlon before. Her dedication in learning to swim and master a racing bike inspired Dr. Nusz to come up with his own “crazy goal” to qualify for the Boston Marathon before reaching 40. While his wife hit her goal and has done many half and full Ironman races since then, five years of shifting qualifying times and the COVID-19 pandemic kept Dr. Nusz from Boston. But this year, the day finally came.

Dr. Nusz joins other Children’s physicians who’ve run in Boston and he savors the experience. He and his wife ran side-by-side and were inspired by the fans, volunteers and diverse group of more than 26,000 runners.

He encourages those who might be considering taking on a big goal like the Boston Marathon to simply “keep showing up.”

“If you are starting something new or have a particular race in mind, don’t give up,” he said. “It took me five years to get to Boston and it was a magical experience. But the true experience was the five-year journey, not the destination.”

Dr. Nusz adds that the System’s focus on physician wellness is a plus to working at Children’s.

“I’m thankful that we are part of a system that is taking a closer look at personal wellness, furthering its support and development,” he said.

The Children’s Physician Wellness program focuses on physical wellness, along with mental, emotional and social well-being. The Physician Wellness team helps physicians of all lifestyles build a strong physical foundation by sharing tips and resources on how to eat well and move more.

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