A child with cognitive and/or behavioral challenges associated with a neurologic and/or medical condition often requires specialized care. Our neuropsychology and pediatric psychology teams are specially trained to work with children and teens who have unique needs, and they are dedicated to supporting families as they navigate the challenges of managing a complex diagnosis.

What Is Pediatric Neuropsychology?
Pediatric neuropsychology is a subspecialty of psychology that focuses on brain-behavior relationships and understanding how an injury or disruption in brain functioning may impact various aspects of development, learning and/or behavior. Our pediatric neuropsychologists are clinical psychologists who have additional, specialized training and experience working with children and teens who have neurologic conditions. Skilled in evaluating cognitive strengths and weaknesses to determine the impact of brain injury, our neuropsychologists help assess the need for intervention and the type of support required, including educational, psychological and/or pharmacological.

What Is Pediatric Psychology?
Pediatric psychology is the study, diagnosis, assessment and treatment of the emotional and behavioral effects of complex medical disorders in children and adolescents. Our pediatric psychologists are clinical psychologists who have additional, specialized training and experience working with children and teens who have various medical conditions. Skilled at assessing the impact of complex medical conditions on emotional/behavioral functioning, they provide evidence-based therapeutic interventions to facilitate coping and adjustment to illness, adherence to treatments and promotion of overall health.  

What is a Psychometrist?
A psychometrist is a person who has received training in psychology or a related field with an emphasis on testing and measurement. The basic function of a psychometrist is to administer and score psychological tests under the direct supervision of a clinical psychologist.

Conditions We Treat
In the Department of Neuropsychology at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, our team of specialists collaborates to provide care for pediatric patients with various neurological and complex medical conditions, including but not limited to:

Our team works with other specialists throughout Children’s to provide comprehensive care for each patient. Assessment and interventions are tailored to your child, and we work with you at every stage so you will know what to expect. Our providers see patients in the outpatient and inpatient settings, as well as various multispecialty clinics

Our multispecialty programs and clinics, which provide easy access to the specialized, coordinated, multidisciplinary care your child needs, include: 

  • Brain and Spinal Cord Tumor Program: Our team helps patients with brain tumors who may experience behavioral or learning problems.
  • Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Program: Research shows that children with heart conditions are at risk for motor and language delays, as well as learning differences. We provide outpatient assessments through the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Program to monitor development and support school planning. Inpatient assessments/consults are completed for patients with increased risk for brain injury, developmental delays, and/or challenges with coping and adjustment to chronic illness and complex medical regimens. 
  • Cognitive Remediation Program: This program helps preadolescent and young adolescent patients and their parents learn the skills needed for increased independence in important areas of executive and adaptive functioning.
  • Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation (CIRU) and Day Rehabilitation Program (DRP)Patients with acquired and/or traumatic brain injuries are serially monitored and assessed across the rehabilitation continuum of care. Providers assist with cognitive monitoring, brain injury education and promoting positive coping/adjustment. 
  • Concussion Program: Our goal is to educate the public about the dangers of concussions. We help kids and teens safely return to school and sports after a concussion.
  • Developmental Follow-Up Clinic: We provide neurocognitive evaluations of early school-age children as they transition from early intervention services to school-based programs. Services include exposure to neonatal course and intervention, interdisciplinary consultation, parent education and support, cognitive and developmental screening, and exposure to the implementation of special education services. 
  • Epilepsy Center: Our Comprehensive Epilepsy Center is a Level 4 pediatric epilepsy center, which is the highest designation from the National Association of Epilepsy Centers (NAEC). We provide neurodiagnostic monitoring, clinical trials, and both surgical and nonsurgical treatment options.
  • Genetics: Our team assesses patients with various genetic conditions in the outpatient and clinic settings. This includes children with neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, 22q deletion syndrome and Turner syndrome, as well as mitochondrial disorders and other metabolic conditions. 
  • Difference in Sex Development ClinicOur team of providers work together with patients and their families to develop a comprehensive care plan and provide treatment for a group of medical conditions that are associated with disruption in the development of the reproductive system.
  • Inpatient services: Our team provides inpatient consult and assessment services across the hospital system, predominantly within the following areas:
  • Other multispecialty clinics:
    • Abusive Head Trauma (AHT)
    • Early Childhood Clinic (ECC)
    • Complex Headache Program
    • Muscular Dystrophy
    • Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis (NIMS) Clinic
    • Psychogenic Non-epileptic Events (PNEE) Clinic
  • Neuropsychological evaluations: Children and adolescents may be referred for a comprehensive or targeted neuropsychological evaluation if they are experiencing cognitive difficulties associated with their neurological diagnosis. Areas of concern may include: 
    • Processing speed
    • Attention regulation
    • Executive functioning skills
    • Memory
    • Language processing
    • Visual-spatial processing
    • Visuomotor and/or motor, and/or behavior-emotional concerns

You a vital member of your child’s healthcare team. You are a source of security and comfort. But having a child diagnosed with a neurological condition can be an emotional and overwhelming experience. At Children’s, you can count on us to support you and your family through every phase of treatment and beyond. We make it our mission to provide the best care to every child—and the best experience for every family.

Children’s Physician Group is home to one of the leading neuropsychology practices in the Southeast. Combining the latest proven technology and research with a caring, child-friendly approach makes Children’s a top choice for the treatment of common, rare and complex neurological conditions. Our Neuropsychology Program is led by Interim Practice Director David Marcus, PhD, ABPP/CN.



  • Tiffany Crawford, MA
  • Alexus Curry
  • Stephanie P. Sweeney, EdS, CSP
  • Rachel Jones, MS, CSP
Children’s has teamed up with Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology and Morehouse School of Medicine to form the Children’s Center for Neurosciences Research. Our team is involved in numerous research collaborations within and outside of Children’s. The Pediatric Neurotrauma Lab, directed by Andrew Reisner, MD, represents a multi-institutional collaboration between Children’s and Emory. The Pediatric Neurotrauma Lab’s mission is to facilitate research that can improve the treatment and outcomes of traumatic brain injuries in children.

Center for Advanced Pediatrics
2174 North Druid Hills Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30329

Office Building at Children's Scottish Rite Hospital
5461 Meridian Mark Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30342

View all neuropsychology care locations

Neuropsychology accepts all payers when a child’s diagnosis is medical or neurological. However, based on the department’s availability, patients deemed to be outside the typical scope of care (a behavioral issue not related to a medical diagnosis) will be processed as a self-pay patient or referred out to a community provider depending on appointment availability.